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Thank you so much for the detailed report.


It goes into so much more detail than I was expecting.

In fact I really had no idea that I would get so much information on the galactic side. 


Everything you said resonates with me. I have been trying to focus inward for about a year now to find my real purpose.


And I guess I was drawn to you to have this reading because almost all the things you said I have been feeling over the last year. These are all new feelings, so I guess I am now awakening, slowly.


Reading the report really highlighted the points that I have been feeling myself over the last year or so.

I try not to look outside myself for the answers, I always prefer to look inwards. I want to be confident  in using my own intuition.

But getting this report gave me the confirmation that I am already on the right path.



Thank you so much Couli, 

So much to process in that long report  and so much more to learn and re remember!

You've included aspects I've never thought of and that make so much sense.  

Very exciting to learn all this it's fascinating,   I'll work with this for a long time to come . 

Much Gratitude and Appreciation 


Your analysis for the relocation chart is quite on point!

It's eye-opening, a much needed validation for the life path I have chosen for myself. Your oracle reading was somewhat abstract and I did not know how to apply in my situation at first, but things happened rather quickly. There was some very important development in my relationship with my mother a couple of days later, I read the report a second time and suddenly all made sense. Thank you for your guidance!


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